Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Lorenzo complaining about the performance of his bike

Le Mans - Jorge Lorenzo had to settle for finishing in seventh position in the French MotoGP race. Lorenzo describes his performance this time it is not good.

After one win and two third-place finish in three races this season, Lorenzo eventually lose the series of positive results after finishing seventh in the series kempat race in Le Mans circuit on Sunday (19/05/2013) evening hrs.

"At the beginning of the race the bike feels different than when warm, but not too bad, and I was still able to follow Andrea (Dovizioso) and Dani (Pedrosa)," said Lorenzo in the MotoGP website.

"In some areas of the track performaku declined considerably but then improved in several other areas."

"Then after three or four rounds, the bike is getting worse and I'm having a lot of trouble; in braking, due in mid-corner so I could not rely on the rear tire, also in acceleration due to the rear tires spun so many times I lost nearly half a second from another rider , "he complained.

Last year Lorenzo dominated the Le Mans until finally achieve victory. Contrasting results this time he was called could not be separated from bike performance is not okay.

"Race-race sometimes like this: last year I won 20 seconds with a very good bike and this year is really the opposite. I can not do many things without a crash," Lorenzo value.

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