Tuesday, May 14, 2013

MotoGP riders complaining about tire performance

Jerez - MotoGP Three races earlier this season turns out dissatisfaction of the riders left. They said he was disappointed with the performance of hard tires provided by Bridgestone.

This raised the issue of the tire when the riders follow the riders safety committee meeting in Spain. Is a world champion last season, Jorge Lorenzo, who expressed the tire problem.

According to him, hard tires supplied by Bridgestone tire manufacturer in this season is not as good as the performance of the soft tires. Yet to wade through any number of laps in the race series, the riders are more in need of this type of tire for its durability.

While more commonly used soft tires for the qualifying session, or when the weather is not too hot on the circuit given the higher rate of degradation.

"I would say that we (the riders) a little disappointed that we only had one type of tire is good in almost every track. This year the tire was not working hard for almost all riders, so we continue to use soft tires in each session," said Crash Lorenzo was quoted as saying.

26-year-old rider added that the hard tires currently provided too slippery so it is too risky. This situation makes the rider had no choice but to use soft tires for the race session.

"When we tried hard tires, it was very slippery and not profitable. We want to provide two types of Bridgestone front tires which worked very well for everyone. Example, using soft tires for qualifying and the race hard for, it will be normal. At This time, it did not happen, "he said.

"I think we need a tire with a different type. Ban softness is not too bad, but the hard tire is not currently working. I do not know if this is different, say, quality is the soft tires but today almost all the riders did not like it."

"We need more tires because if you only got one that actually worked, very hard to finish the race," he added.

Complaints about these tires is evidenced by the fact that every rider in the first series in Qatar was forced to use a soft rear tire type. Though the circuit when the temperature was almost 50 degrees Celsius.

Bridgestone own a single supplier for the MotoGP race tires since 2009. While they started participating in this premier race since 2002.

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