Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Marquez not Want Fast Satisfied

Marc Marquez get impressive results on the first day of Sepang MotoGP test. Although pleased with the achievements, it was Repsol Honda rider was still able to grow and do not want immediate satisfaction.

Marquez, Moto2 champion diving season debut in the MotoGP class, posting a best time of 2 minutes 01.201 seconds in session at the Sepang Circuit on Tuesday (02/05/2013). Note the time Marquez odds just 0.044 seconds over Dani Pedrosa owned, teammate who became the fastest rider.

"I am very pleased with how the first day of a test run because you've always got nervous after a few months off," I Marquez on the official MotoGP website.

"I think it will take a little longer to tune, but right from the early laps I felt very comfortable on the bike. We gain confidence from the start, though of course we can still grow," he continued.

Although his appearance looks promising, Marquez is not conceited. As a debutant, 19-year-old Spaniard is feeling still have much to learn.

"I do not think today's results can be used as a reference point because we were all trying out new things," said Marquez.

"I focus on finding a good setting and get comfortable on the bike.'m Trying to record a good time so that testing today has a purpose," he said.

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